All Semi-Final events are First Come - First Serve. No video or pre-selection needed.
Candidates for the St. Petersburg, Finals are Selected the following ways:
Through Top Placement in a Semi-Final Location.
Through Video Application - For International Dancers & Approved U.S Dancers only. See below for details.
2024 Finals Top Winners (3rd Place through Grand Prix Winners) may either attend a Regional or Directly Register for 2025 Finals as early as portal opening. Deadline for these students to directly register for Finals is December 30, 2024.
From each Regional City, approximately 15-20 soloists in total & select ensembles will be chosen to advance to the Finals.
Approximately 5 days after the conclusion of a Regional City, invitation emails are sent to school directors or directly to independent dancers.
From the date of the Invitation email, soloists/ensembles have 1-2 weeks, depending on regional location attended, to Register for Finals. Deadlines will be notated in Invitation email and can also be found on the Registration Page.
It is IMPORTANT for invited dancers to Register for Finals immediately after your regional location to secure your placement. The invitation email does NOT hold your spot, and more dancers are invited than total spots available at finals.
International Dancers are classified as any dancer that currently resides and trains outside the U.S.
Approved U.S Dancers include: Dancers belonging to a Partner School where there is no regional location offered in your state. Definition of a Partner School = the academies and companies that partner with ADC IBC to provide scholarship and professional opportunities to dancers through our platform.
For example: Oklahoma students that attend Tulsa Ballet or Oklahoma City Ballet may attend a nearby regional or submit a video to apply for Finals, as we do not host a Semi-Final in this state
Create Submission Video. All video applicants MUST provide video in same format as demos provided below.
Apply Online. Click here. (video portal will open Nov 1, 2024)

Footage must be recorded as seen in demo videos above. Including: attire, video angles, exercises, etc.
See below requirements per age division with acceptable modifications to provided exercises.
Edit blank space out between combinations, and variations.
Audition attire as seen above for class exercises:
Ladies: Leotard (no specified style), hair in neat bun, pink tights, ballet slippers for barre and centre exercises, pointe shoes for specified centre exercises, and classical variation (for ages 12 and older).
Gentlemen: Black tights, white leotard or fitted tee.
Total video time not to exceed: 15 minutes
Dancers may execute exercises from preferred side.
Choreography requirements listed below: Must be filmed in dance studio. No stage footage. Costume is optional for variations. Selection committee prefers no costume or practice tutu only.
Class Exercise Music: May use your own music or download track provided.
PRIMARY DIVISION - Video must contain (in order):
Barre Exercises
Warm-up Tendu (exercise as provided in demo.)
Plié (may simplify port de bras.)
Battement Tendu (may simplify port de bras.)
Dégagé (may reduce speed of degage in first position.)
Fondu/Développé (may execute off demi-pointe and with reduced height.)
Grand Battement (execute height for individual skill level. Passe balance at end rather than pirrouette.)
Centre Exercises
Adagio (Simplify for skill level.)
Pirouette (Simplify for skill level.)
Petit Allegro (Simplify for skill level.)
Moderate Allegro (Simplify for skill level.)
* Pointe exercises at 8:45 through end of video should not be included. Male exercises at 9:10 through end of video should not be included.
Classical Variation (selected from Repertoire List.)
Contemporary Variation (dancers' choreographic selection)
** If student is selected for Finals, different pieces may be performed at the Finals competition.
JUNIOR DIVISION - Video must contain (in order):
Barre Exercises
Warm-up Tendu (exercise as provided in demo.)
Plié (exercise as provided in demo.)
Battement Tendu (exercise as provided in demo.)
Dégagé (exercise as provided in demo.)
Fondu/Développé (exercise as provided in demo.)
Grand Battement (exercise as provided in demo.)
Centre Exercises
Adagio (may execute off demi-pointe at 6:45, and attitude revolutions as needed.)
Pirouette (may modify at 7:25 & 7:45 for skill level.)
Petit Allegro (exercise as provided in demo.)
Moderate Allegro (exercise as provided in demo.)
Female - Pointe Exercise / Male - Tour en l'air Exercise (may modify for skill level.)
Grand Allegro/ Fouetté (may execute exercise off pointe.)
Classical Variation (selected from Repertoire List.)
Contemporary Variation (dancers' choreographic selection)
** If student is selected for Finals, different pieces may be performed at the Finals competition.
SENIOR DIVISION - Video must contain (in order):
Barre Exercises
Warm-up Tendu (exercise as provided in demo.)
Plié (exercise as provided in demo.)
Battement Tendu (exercise as provided in demo.)
Dégagé (exercise as provided in demo.)
Fondu/Développé (exercise as provided in demo.)
Grand Battement (exercise as provided in demo.)
Centre Exercises
Adagio (exercise as provided in demo.)
Pirouette (exercise as provided in demo.)
Petit Allegro (exercise as provided in demo.)
Moderate Allegro (exercise as provided in demo.)
Female - Pointe Exercise / Male - Tour en l'air Exercise (may modify pirouette for skill level.)
Grand Allegro/Fouetté (exercise as provided in demo.)
Classical Variation (selected from Repertoire List.)
Contemporary Variation (dancers' choreographic selection)
** If student is selected for Finals, different pieces may be performed at the Finals competition.